Revealing the Book of Revelation: And the soon-coming salvation for all humanity!
Worldly religions misunderstand the Book of Revelation, perceiving it as a message of doom and gloom, rather than its true purpose. Regardless of your religious beliefs, the story stands as a stark warning for all living people. But first, God the Father, praises Jesus for his completed mission, freeing humanity from Satan's control and returning them to him. He also praises the saints/bride for her unyielding devotion to Jesus and her faithful adherence to his commandments. The text highlights the importance of shunning both the Mark of the Beast and his name. Yes, There is the final conflict between the army of the beast, and God’s army, who overcomes this beast. Then Satan is thrown into the abyss, and the Millenium begins. At the close of the Millenium Satan tries to destroy Jerusalem, but is defeated and thrown into the Lake of Fire. This begins the Great White Throne judgment, when the unredeemable will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternal destruction. The Book of Revelation ends with a joyful message, where all humanity is reborn as God's inherited children. For those who are interested, the narrative offers hints about Jesus' eventual return.
A layman's challenge to the Rapture Theory (A layman's challenges)
The belief among some religions is that Jesus will come back to Earth and transport 2.3 billion Christians to heaven. Massive crashes involving planes, trains, and automobiles are occurring globally, and many believe this assimilation will be responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent non-Christians. This noisy, flashy event is a sure sign that something significant has taken place. This then contradicts what Jesus said in 1 Thessalonians 5:2, that his return will be like a thief in the night, as his return will be sudden and unexpected. Jesus, with his angels, will quietly descend to Earth to gather the saints, taking them to meet his father and to the wedding of the saints.
When Time Finally Runs Out (A layman's challenges)
The coming of Jesus has been a subject of much inquiry, and many have attempted to pinpoint its timing, only to be disappointed when those predictions failed. Matthew 24:36, says this: “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” The truth regarding what is being said here differs from what religious leaders proclaim. Why? This restriction applies solely to Jesus' secret coming for his bride, which is separate from his final arrival to govern the earth. As God, the Father, has deliberately kept this returning for the bride, a secret! Once this event happens and you are sure it has, then look to his next arrival to happen shortly thereafter. How can we identify the signs or clues that God has given us about Jesus' arrival on Earth? Reading this book will give you the tools needed to recognize the clues and understand when that event is to happen. However: caution, This book does not predict the day or the hour of Christ’s return.
A layman's challenge to Eternal security (A layman's challenges)
Some Christian groups teach that a verbal dedication of your soul to Jesus ensures eternal life and avoids eternal damnation. Certain individuals have manipulated biblical passages, misinterpreting their true meaning, which is to guide people towards God's eternal protection. This theory/doctrine, supposedly backed by scripture, first appeared in Rome some years after Christ's death. According to historical accounts, Simon Magus, a Samaritan magician, who is mentioned in Acts 8, is credited with introducing this theory of eternal security. This teaching's origin is historically traced, starting with Simon, then Augustine, John Cavin, and finally to the churches of today. This eternal security counters God’s instruction to obey his commandments and laws, which are the path to eternal salvation.
A controversy on the Book of Galatians: Did the Book of Galatians free Christians from the law? (A layman's challenges)
The Apostle Paul, according to religionist, freed Christian converts from the Law of Moses. They use several cleverly disguised arguments to support their theory. At the heart of the argument is that Paul's stance against circumcision liberated his converts from the Mosaic Law, leading to Christian freedom. Paul's compliance with the law completely debunks their theories. Yet, in this case, Paul didn't adhere to the traditional Law of Moses. This is the point where religionist theories break down! Why? The Law of Moses didn't create or require circumcision. Paul adhered to the Abrahamic covenant's circumcision rule, applicable only to Abraham's descendants (Read Genesis 17:1-14 slowly). Hence, converts to Christianity were exempt from the requirement of circumcision. Given this, arguments against Paul breaking the Law of Moses are irrelevant, as is the idea that Christians are exempt from the Law.
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